Mineral Oil Paraben Free, enriched with Neroli Patchouli Oil. This Ayurvedic non-greasy body lotion combines rare botanical extracts like Rosa, Neem, Tulsi, and other herbal products that moisturize the skin, protect against various skin disorders, and help replenish lost moisture. It works on marks across the body, leaving the skin healthy and soft. Ingredients: Pogostemon Patchouli 0.2ml, Rosa Centifolia 1g, Azadirachta Indica 0.2g, Ocimum Sanctum 0.3g, Aloe Vera 0.4ml, Citrus Medica 0.3g, Glycerin 24.6g, Preservative 0.45g, Sugandhit Dravya q.s
☛Usage and Storage Instructions
Gently rub on body. It gives soffen touch to the skin. Can be used everyday
☛Dispatch Schedule
Seven working days from the date of order
Shipping Charges Extra
These products are non-returnable/non-exchangeable
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